Creams for Back Pain & How They Work

The most common causes of back pain include muscle or ligament strains, herniated/bulging discs, scoliosis, or arthritis. According to, “Most primary care physicians can expect to see at least one patient with low back pain per week … Patients with persistent or fluctuating pain that lasts longer than three months are defined as having…

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Top-Line Results from Clinical Trial Show Capsadyn™ Does Not Burn

March 15, 2024–Chorda Pharma today announced positive top-line results from a clinical trial for studying the skin burning characteristics of Capsadyn™ (0.25%), an over-the-counter topical analgesic formulated as a proprietary capsaicin-based cream with a concentration of 0.25%. Capsadyn™’s burning properties were statistically equivalent to the placebo cream (p = 0.32). On the other hand, Zostrix®…

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How Capsaicin Can Help with Long-Term Arthritis Pain Relief

Many arthritis patients require daily pain management, and it can be challenging to find options safe for frequent use. While various treatments exist, one natural remedy has been gaining attention for its potential to alleviate arthritis pain – capsaicin cream.  Derived from chili peppers, capsaicin is the compound responsible for their spicy kick. It can…

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Today’s Easy Solution for Capsaicin Cream Burning

If you’ve tried capsaicin cream for pain relief and experienced burning, you’re not alone. Burning is the most common side effect of these topical treatments.  You may want to try a non-burning option, like Capsadyn™. This article covers how capsaicin creams work, why some burn, and how to proceed with safe pain relief alternatives. How…

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The Opioid Crisis: Alternatives for Chronic Pain Relief

Chronic pain from sports injuries, arthritis, and other medical conditions leaves millions in a challenging position. As long-term pain takes a heavy toll on mental health and daily activities, it’s no surprise that opioids grew so popular in the early 2000s. This article explores the dangers of using opioids for chronic pain, available alternatives and…

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