Get Relief from Joint and Muscle Pain

I’d like to tell you about a brand-new product that can make a real difference in your life if you have joint or muscle pain.


Capsadyn provides deep penetrating relief for your pain using the power of capsaicin. It has no NSAIDs, opioids, anesthetics, or steroids. That means there is ZERO chance for addiction, and it won’t interact with other drugs you may be taking. Capsadyn is both safe AND effective.


In the past, I’ve recommended capsaicin creams to many of my patients, but they often cause burning. Capsadyn is different—in clinical trials, Capsadyn was demonstrated to not burn.

Drew Pinsky, MD

Internal Medicine and Addiction

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Capsadyn® is a capsaicin cream that provides deep penetrating relief from joint and muscle pain. Developed in the lab, it’s now available in the US only from Chorda Pharma. Capsadyn® is the only capsaicin cream clinically proven to not burn. This high strength formulation is the maximum concentration allowed by the FDA without a prescription (0.25%). Capsadyn® is not sold in discount drug stores.